

Recycled Plastic Fuel Can Substitute afterwards.

New York - Companies in the U.S. are able to convert plastic into fuel. This could potentially reduce plastic waste and dependence on oil.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says only 7% of plastic waste can be recycled in the U.S. each year. But the new company in New York claimed to increase that percentage. It also says, can help reduce the number of U.S. oil imports.
Company called JBI Inc. has a machine that they call 'plastic-eating monsters'. Every hour thousands of pounds of cuts bottles, water bottles and shopping bags put into the combustion chamber located on that machine. Plastic waste from landfills across the country.
John Bordyniuk, JBI Inc. company owners invest for the new process converting plastic into various fuel.
First of all, a number of different plastics and unwashed melted together.
"Viscosity such as milk. Almost like when the milk is heated on the stove. Looks exactly like that, but it is black, "said Bordyniuk, as reported by VOA News.
Bordyniuk use special chemicals to turn it into vapor liquid plastic. It changed the plastic into its most basic elements.
He explains, "Plastic is a long chain hydrocarbon. What we are doing is reshaping plastics became a chain that we want in order to have a high value fuel."
The system generates its own power, with 8% of the plastic waste drive the process.
Bordyniuk hiring outsiders to test, and they concluded that almost 86% of what goes into the engine as the fuel out.
At the other end of the plastic-eating machine, liquid brown watery issued to one barrel of oil which is then channeled into the barrel.
"We can use this oil and the oil is now ready for use. Was number six fuel, which is widely used steel companies like U.S. Steel, which paid dearly for the fuel," said one executive JBI, Bob Molodynia.
JBI produce thousands of liters of fuel per day. The company makes several types of oil for different industries. JBI sell fuel to U.S. $ 100 per barrel. While the production cost per barrel of oil around U.S. $ 10.
Bordyniuk and Molodynia believe that plastic will be a significant source of domestic fuel that will reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil, and at the same time reducing the amount of plastic waste in landfill sites.
But just how 'green' process while producing a fuel that also gives rise to another cop?
"Perhaps the separation of carbon into plastic bottles thrown in the trash is better than turning it into liquid fuels and release carbon compounds and move a lot," said Allen Hershkowitz, a senior scientist from the Natural Resources Defense Council.
He said the technology that turns plastic into oil is still new and evolving, and there are not enough data to determine whether the process is safe for the environment or not.
Meanwhile, Carson Maxted of Resource Recycling, an industry trade journal of plastic recycling, say, as a lot of plastic waste and demand for oil, recycling technologies JBI could create major changes in both industries.
"They (JBI) gets the value of something that would normally be discarded, ie plastics that are not easily recyclable, low quality and kind of mixed plastic, or plastic is dirty," says Maxted.

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